
Majority of Americans oppose the Federal Communications Commission monitor the Internet

Pollsters Rasmussen Reports survey shows that more than half of Americans oppose the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (hereinafter referred to as the "FCC") on the Internet to take regulatory measures.

Survey of 1,000 respondents, of which only 21% were in favor of FCC regulatory measures taken on the Internet; 54% against the government control the Internet; another 25% had not made a decision.

Earlier this month, FCC issued new rules to require Internet service providers to follow the U.S. "network neutrality" principles, not discriminatory treatment of Internet traffic on its network. The move provoked an uproar in the U.S. politics, it was not necessary that these provisions, the FCC has the execute permission is also debatable.

In the survey, Rasmussen Reports asked respondents to answer the following questions: FCC Should like regulatory supervision of radio and television as the Internet; regulation compared with the free market competition, which one can better protect the interests of Internet users; and whether the abuse of the Internet FCC custody, in order to achieve some ulterior purpose.