
Belgacom: answers after a profit warning

Belgacom picks up from 5.5% to 24.9 euros in Brussels, following a point of activity marked by a profit warning for the entire year.

The Belgian operator recorded for the first quarter 2011, revenues down 3.5% to 1.583 million euros, a decline that reflects the negative impact of regulation to 3.2%. The lower revenues and spending to meet more customers who weigh on EBITDA decreased 3% to $ 480 million.

In operational terms, under the great pressure of competition, the erosion of fixed lines has continued and the mobile customer base has been reduced from 28,000 to just over 5.3 million.

"The downward revision of our expectations and the decision to reinforce our actions to gain market share requires increased resources, " said Chairman and CEO Didier Bellens.

Belgacom is now believed that its revenues for 2011 expected to decline by 1 to 2% and it expects a decline in EBITDA of between 4% and 5% from last year.