
EADS on the new 'X3' Eurocopter

Eurocopter, a subsidiary of EADS, announced today positive data for its hybrid helicopter X3.

Explains Eurocopter and a new milestone was crossed on May 12 during a level flight, during which the demonstrator has maintained a speed of 232 knots (430 km / h) for several minutes, exceeding its goal of passing speed.

This measure has been carried out on the third day of the new test phase, for which, the X3, with its final gearbox, could operate at full capacity.

"In the future, the helicopters that incorporate the configuration X3 Hybrid will offer our clients a cruising speed and battery life of about 50% higher in return for a very affordable price fixing, and new standards for productivity rotary wing aircraft, "said Lutz Bertling, President and CEO of Eurocopter.

In a statement, adding that he expects Eurocopter for this concept a wide range of uses: for search and rescue (SAR) Long-range maritime surveillance, border patrols, passenger transport, offshore operations and intercity buses.